Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It is that time of year again, time to help others

So it is that time of the year again. Thanksgiving is over in Canada and soon to be in the States. We are all starting on putting that average 11 lbs between now and Christmas. We are starting to get ready for Halloween but thinking about Christmas. It is also the time we start to think about those who do not have. It is the time for people to step up and help other celebrate Christmas. It is the time we start putting things into the food bank box and soon the toy boxes will show up in all the malls.

So what can we do? What effect can one person have on the ever-growing tide of people in need? I think of it this way, if one person helps even just a little it is better then no one helping at all. If we all do a little a lot gets done, a lot is given. So it may feel like you are not doing much by adding a can or bag to the food bank box, but you are because it all adds up. If no one gives though, even a little bit, lots of people will go with out.

I know that with the gas prices so high, all prices have gone up. It is hard enough at times to pay for what you need let alone buy stuff for other people. Well there is one thing we can do. When there is an item on sale, by ONE extra and put it into the food bank box. If we do that every time we shop it is not going to hit us so hard in the pocket book and it helps people out.

I keep an eye out all year for toy sales. Some times I can find them at 75% to 90% of at Zellers clearance tables. I buy them when they are on sale and then store them till Christmas. That way I can still afford to put some thing new and nice in to the mall or the police station, or radio station toy boxes when money is really tight for me.

It is stress full trying to buy things for your own family at Thanksgiving and Christmas let alone trying to buy for other people’s kids. However, I can not help thinking that no matter how hard or bad it can get for us, there is always some one else more in need. I cannot help but think of the kids who have nothing to open on Christmas day and no Christmas dinner and how it would feel to be that child’s parent. Having to look at my kids face when there is nothing (or very, very little) for them to open Christmas day. Knowing that I don’t have the money to buy the gifts my child asked Santa for, let alone special food for Christmas dinner. If we all do what little we can, we can make a difference for some one else.

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