Now the bad way may work with your boss but the words brown nosier and suck up come to mind. I think of it as being the bad way because it is obvious to most people what you are doing. It can be seen a being demeaning to yourself and your boss. Often it comes across as being phoney, leaves a bad taste in people mouths and causes people not to trust or respect you. It can actually be more harmful in the long run. I am talking about people who are the yes man, always bringing coffee in for the boss, always complementing them on their appearance, showing interest in their family and home life. Always finding what their bosses opinion is on something before forming their own, which is just the bosses. Always willing to go that extra mile for the boss, but only in front of the boss. Some people even start dressing like their boss, join the same groups out side of work, or start doing the same hobbies as their boss. Yes doing this would give you some common ground and things to talk about but come on don’t we all know people can see right through this tactic?
There is a good way to butter up your boss and the good news is it also works on people who are not your boss. There are ways to make your boss feel positive about them selves and you at the same time. Ask for advice, or for their opinion showing that you value what they have to say, even on things not work related. Do not do it all the time otherwise it looks like you cannot do your job or make decisions on your own. Or it becomes obvious what you are doing. Listen, pay attention to them at meetings, and show that you understand what they are saying. Show them support when it is appropriate, when you actually agree with them, not just because they are your boss. Show them respect. If you see potential problems be discrete and let them know about it so they can resolve it. This makes them look good and most bosses will remember that you helped them look good. Being nice and helpful works very well but you have to be careful because it can be a fine line between being helpful and being a suck up. There is a big difference between giving your boss a Christmas card and making a point of wishing them happy birthday then buying them a $100.00 gift.
What works to butter up your boss is going to depend on your boss and your work environment. No one likes a suck up, but that does not mean you cannot be complimentary and respectful to your boss and others around you. A sincere complement or observation can go a long way, and is much better then one said just to butter up the boss.
This blog is about my life, business, hobbies, crafts, arts. I tend to talk about what I am making, things I have found interesting, and whatever will help my and others online business.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
What is the importance of following-up with employee candidates after an interview?
At the end of the interview you tell the employee candidate that they will hear from you. It can be a call or letter asking for a second interview, or letting them know they got the job or that the job was given to someone else. You made a commitment to that person to communicate with them. What does it say about you and the company you work for when you fail to follow through? Think of it this way, would you treat a customer that way? Then why would it be ok to treat any one that way, it still has an impact on how people feel about the company.
How you treat potential employees shows how you and the company deal with people. Taking the time to call helps with positive branding. If some one did not get the job getting a call letting them know that shows that the company follows through on their commitments, and treats people with common courtesy and respect. People are more likely to continue seeking employment with the company. It is easer to find quality employee candidates when people see the company as a place they would like to work at.
By treating every one with common courtesy and dignity you leave your options open. You never know what is going to happen. What if the person you hired does not work out. Do you need to go through all the hassle of interviews again, or do you call back the other top candidates you did not hire and just re-interview them? What if one of the candidates was not right for the job that they were interviewed for but another job opens up that they would be perfect for. If you did not let some one know they did not get the first job that indicates you did not have any respect for them. Why would they want to work for you?
Following-up with employee candidates after an interview is part of the hiring job. If you do not do that part of the job what else are you not doing? Do you do every this way, only doing the part of the job. How reliable and trustworthy are you. Oh, you did not think any one noticed that you did not contact the employee candidates who did not get the job. Well I am sure several of those people took the time to call when they did not hear any thing from you. How professional do you look now?
How you treat potential employees shows how you and the company deal with people. Taking the time to call helps with positive branding. If some one did not get the job getting a call letting them know that shows that the company follows through on their commitments, and treats people with common courtesy and respect. People are more likely to continue seeking employment with the company. It is easer to find quality employee candidates when people see the company as a place they would like to work at.
By treating every one with common courtesy and dignity you leave your options open. You never know what is going to happen. What if the person you hired does not work out. Do you need to go through all the hassle of interviews again, or do you call back the other top candidates you did not hire and just re-interview them? What if one of the candidates was not right for the job that they were interviewed for but another job opens up that they would be perfect for. If you did not let some one know they did not get the first job that indicates you did not have any respect for them. Why would they want to work for you?
Following-up with employee candidates after an interview is part of the hiring job. If you do not do that part of the job what else are you not doing? Do you do every this way, only doing the part of the job. How reliable and trustworthy are you. Oh, you did not think any one noticed that you did not contact the employee candidates who did not get the job. Well I am sure several of those people took the time to call when they did not hear any thing from you. How professional do you look now?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
It is that time of year again, time to help others
So it is that time of the year again. Thanksgiving is over in Canada and soon to be in the States. We are all starting on putting that average 11 lbs between now and Christmas. We are starting to get ready for Halloween but thinking about Christmas. It is also the time we start to think about those who do not have. It is the time for people to step up and help other celebrate Christmas. It is the time we start putting things into the food bank box and soon the toy boxes will show up in all the malls.
So what can we do? What effect can one person have on the ever-growing tide of people in need? I think of it this way, if one person helps even just a little it is better then no one helping at all. If we all do a little a lot gets done, a lot is given. So it may feel like you are not doing much by adding a can or bag to the food bank box, but you are because it all adds up. If no one gives though, even a little bit, lots of people will go with out.
I know that with the gas prices so high, all prices have gone up. It is hard enough at times to pay for what you need let alone buy stuff for other people. Well there is one thing we can do. When there is an item on sale, by ONE extra and put it into the food bank box. If we do that every time we shop it is not going to hit us so hard in the pocket book and it helps people out.
I keep an eye out all year for toy sales. Some times I can find them at 75% to 90% of at Zellers clearance tables. I buy them when they are on sale and then store them till Christmas. That way I can still afford to put some thing new and nice in to the mall or the police station, or radio station toy boxes when money is really tight for me.
It is stress full trying to buy things for your own family at Thanksgiving and Christmas let alone trying to buy for other people’s kids. However, I can not help thinking that no matter how hard or bad it can get for us, there is always some one else more in need. I cannot help but think of the kids who have nothing to open on Christmas day and no Christmas dinner and how it would feel to be that child’s parent. Having to look at my kids face when there is nothing (or very, very little) for them to open Christmas day. Knowing that I don’t have the money to buy the gifts my child asked Santa for, let alone special food for Christmas dinner. If we all do what little we can, we can make a difference for some one else.
So what can we do? What effect can one person have on the ever-growing tide of people in need? I think of it this way, if one person helps even just a little it is better then no one helping at all. If we all do a little a lot gets done, a lot is given. So it may feel like you are not doing much by adding a can or bag to the food bank box, but you are because it all adds up. If no one gives though, even a little bit, lots of people will go with out.
I know that with the gas prices so high, all prices have gone up. It is hard enough at times to pay for what you need let alone buy stuff for other people. Well there is one thing we can do. When there is an item on sale, by ONE extra and put it into the food bank box. If we do that every time we shop it is not going to hit us so hard in the pocket book and it helps people out.
I keep an eye out all year for toy sales. Some times I can find them at 75% to 90% of at Zellers clearance tables. I buy them when they are on sale and then store them till Christmas. That way I can still afford to put some thing new and nice in to the mall or the police station, or radio station toy boxes when money is really tight for me.
It is stress full trying to buy things for your own family at Thanksgiving and Christmas let alone trying to buy for other people’s kids. However, I can not help thinking that no matter how hard or bad it can get for us, there is always some one else more in need. I cannot help but think of the kids who have nothing to open on Christmas day and no Christmas dinner and how it would feel to be that child’s parent. Having to look at my kids face when there is nothing (or very, very little) for them to open Christmas day. Knowing that I don’t have the money to buy the gifts my child asked Santa for, let alone special food for Christmas dinner. If we all do what little we can, we can make a difference for some one else.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving and a turkey pizza recipe
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.
May every one find some thing to be thankful for in their lives!
I am thankful that:
We are in a new home, are healthy and together, with room to actually have guests over.
Our cupboards are full even though our bank account is not.
We survived a long weekend with two big meals, and hyper kids because we had guests over.
The butcher at the grocery story was willing to cut up a turkey so we could buy one of the breasts. That way we could afford to have turkey this year – even though the one breast was $14.00.
The turkey was not over cooked, nor was it dry. It was perfect for the first time.
So what to do with all that left over turkey? Well we came up with a recipe a few years ago for turkey pizza.
You get a shell (or make one)
Use ranch dressing (or tomato sauce if you like) on the shell
Add the leftovers onto the shell then cover with cheese.
I like it with turkey, stuffing and a bit of cranberry sauce, not every one likes it with cranberry sauce though. We some times add whatever vegetables we had left over, though not potatoes.
Most times it ends up ranch dressing, turkey, stuffing and cheese.
We love it so much we would take some of the turkey and stuffing and freeze it so we could make the pizza other times.
May every one find some thing to be thankful for in their lives!
I am thankful that:
We are in a new home, are healthy and together, with room to actually have guests over.
Our cupboards are full even though our bank account is not.
We survived a long weekend with two big meals, and hyper kids because we had guests over.
The butcher at the grocery story was willing to cut up a turkey so we could buy one of the breasts. That way we could afford to have turkey this year – even though the one breast was $14.00.
The turkey was not over cooked, nor was it dry. It was perfect for the first time.
So what to do with all that left over turkey? Well we came up with a recipe a few years ago for turkey pizza.
You get a shell (or make one)
Use ranch dressing (or tomato sauce if you like) on the shell
Add the leftovers onto the shell then cover with cheese.
I like it with turkey, stuffing and a bit of cranberry sauce, not every one likes it with cranberry sauce though. We some times add whatever vegetables we had left over, though not potatoes.
Most times it ends up ranch dressing, turkey, stuffing and cheese.
We love it so much we would take some of the turkey and stuffing and freeze it so we could make the pizza other times.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Magic Cauldron October 2007
The Magic Cauldron
Newsletter of
October Newsletter
What is new with Medieval Magic.
All right everyone here it is.
Our “Halloween Spooktacular - All Hollows Eve Celebration”
Look for some great sales and fabulous new items over the next month for Halloween. Costumes, Ornaments, and anything scary we can come up with.
It is time to fright for the scariest ideas of the season. I have some suede left from the festivals and will be making some new items for our costume section. Along with some heavier leather for some scary new accents. We will also be bringing in some items for accessories to go with them. So keep an eye on our Garb and Costume section.
We do have a few custom orders for the holidays, but still have room for a few more.
As our goal is to bring our Customers the highest quality and variety we would be happy to hear from our readers about any items they would like to have available. Please click Here to let us know.
Featured Products
Newsletter of
October Newsletter
What is new with Medieval Magic.
All right everyone here it is.
Our “Halloween Spooktacular - All Hollows Eve Celebration”
Look for some great sales and fabulous new items over the next month for Halloween. Costumes, Ornaments, and anything scary we can come up with.
It is time to fright for the scariest ideas of the season. I have some suede left from the festivals and will be making some new items for our costume section. Along with some heavier leather for some scary new accents. We will also be bringing in some items for accessories to go with them. So keep an eye on our Garb and Costume section.
We do have a few custom orders for the holidays, but still have room for a few more.
As our goal is to bring our Customers the highest quality and variety we would be happy to hear from our readers about any items they would like to have available. Please click Here to let us know.
Featured Products
Smoky Black Glass Skull Earrings
Smoky Black Glass Skull Earrings. Hypoallergenic earring hooks. Earrings hang 4 cm’s. Skulls are 1.5 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm. Please see our necklaces if you are interested in a matched set, as I have also used this skull for necklaces.

Red Leather Pentagram / Pentacle Necklace
Handcrafted Large Red Waxed Leather Pentagram / Pentacle Necklace. The pendant is drawn, cut burned, painted and waxed by hand. The pendant is 5.5 cm x 5.5 cm x .4 cm. The cord is 19 inches or 48 cm.Like a Christian cross, the pentagram tends to be the religious symbol of the Pagan religions. It encompasses elemental beliefs and is one of the strongest protective amulets ever "designed". The Pentagram dates back thousands of years to pre-Babylonian Sumer, roughly about 3500 BC. Many religions have once used this symbol; the Jewish people saw it as a symbol of the Five Books of Moses, and Christians once used it as a protective amulet. According to Heather Child's Christian Symbols, Ancient and Modern, the pentagram is a symbol of the five senses. Also, when the letters S, A, L, V, and S are inscribed in the points, the pentagram is a symbol of health. It has been called such things as the Druid's Foot and the Witches' Star. The Druzee, descendents of exiles from Fatimid Dynasty-ruled Egypt also keep a five-colour pentagram as their symbol. The pentagram appears on the shield of Sir Gawain in the 14th Century poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In the poem the five lines of the star are given multiple meanings: they represent the five senses, five fingers, the five wounds of Christ, the five joys that Mary had of Jesus (the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Resurrection, the Ascension and the Assumption), and the five virtues of knighthood which Gawain hopes to embody: frankness, fellowship, purity, courtesy and compassion. It would seem as though the Pentacle is gaining a new meaning in Modern-day Paganism, in that it is seen as a unifying symbol of the Pagan community. In modern day Witch Craft, the Pentacle tends to be used more than the pentagram. Each point of the Pentagram traditionally represents one of the five metaphysical elements of the ancients. The pentagram represents Spirit ruling over the four elements. The Pentacle is simply a pentagram with a circle around it. This symbolizes eternity, totality, and unity. It emphasizes the interconnectivity of all of the elements. The direct and indirect relation of one element to the other. Spirit (At the topmost point) - Represents the All and the Divine Air (East): Intellect, Imagination, Knowledge, Mental Powers, Vision, Psychic Powers, Wisdom (Upper left hand corner) - Represents Intelligence and the Arts Earth (North): Money, Prosperity, Fertility, Healing, Employment, The Body, Foundation, Strength (Lower left hand corner) - Represents Stability and Physical Endurance Fire (South): Will, Vitality, Passion, Lust, Courage, Strength, Exorcism, Protection, Health (Lower right hand corner) - Represents Courage and Daring Water (West): Emotion, Intuition, Compassion, Sleep, Meditation, Purification, Prophetic

Principles Of Wicca - Vivianne Crowley
Wicca is the religion of Witchcraft or Wisecraft. It is based on the spirituality of our ancestors - a worship of Goddess, God and the natural universe - in a form meaningful to women and men today. Wicca is a magical path witch empowers us to grow, change and heal. It is a harmony with the universe, others and ourselves.This introductory guide explains:Witchcraft ancient and modernthe Divine as Goddess and Godveneration of Naturemagic and spellcraftcreating ritualwhere to find out more.
Special Promotions
We have placed all children’s costumes at 50% off. And for the rest of the month keep an eye on our “Sales” category for any others prices that may “drop” dead.
Monthly Coupon
Because we will be doing sales over the next three months for the holidays. We will not be issuing coupons
Contest Winner
Aug.-Sept. Contest - We would like to Congratulate RENEE for winning our Aug.-Sept. Contest. The contest prize was a $10 Certificate to our site.
Our current contest for a $10.00 gift certificate will run from Oct. 1st till October 31st, 2007.You must find this picture to enter. Just tell us the day and what the sku # is.
Festival Season is over.
Pentacle, Pentagram – Anonymous Submission
Like a Christian cross, the pentagram tends to be the religious symbol of the Pagan religions. It encompasses elemental beliefs and is one of the strongest protective amulets ever "designed". The Pentagram dates back thousands of years to pre-Babylonian Sumer, roughly about 3500 BC. Many religions have once used this symbol; the Jewish people saw it as a symbol of the Five Books of Moses, and Christians once used it as a protective amulet. According to Heather Child's Christian Symbols, Ancient and Modern, the pentagram is a symbol of the five senses. Also, when the letters S, A, L, V, and S are inscribed in the points, the pentagram is a symbol of health. It has been called such things as the Druid's Foot and the Witches' Star. The Druzee, descendents of exiles from Fatimid Dynasty-ruled Egypt also keep a five-colored pentagram as their symbol.
The pentagram appears on the shield of Sir Gawain in the 14th Century poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In the poem the five lines of the star are given multiple meanings: they represent the five senses, five fingers, the five wounds of Christ, the five joys that Mary had of Jesus (the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Resurrection, the Ascension and the Assumption), and the five virtues of knighthood which Gawain hopes to embody: frankness, fellowship, purity, courtesy and compassion. It would seem as though the Pentacle is gaining a new meaning in Modern-day Paganism, in that it is seen as a unifying symbol of the Pagan community. In modern day Witch Craft, the Pentacle tends to be used more than the pentagram.
Each point of the Pentagram traditionally represents one of the five metaphysical elements of the ancients. The pentagram represents Spirit ruling over the four elements. The Pentacle is simply a pentagram with a circle around it. This symbolizes eternity, totality, and unity. It emphasizes the interconnectivity of all of the elements. The direct and indirect relation of one element to the other.
Spirit (At the topmost point) - Represents the All and the Divine
Air (East): Intellect, Imagination, Knowledge, Mental Powers, Vision, Psychic Powers, Wisdom (Upper left hand corner) - Represents Intelligence and the Arts
Earth (North): Money, Prosperity, Fertility, Healing, Employment, The Body, Foundation, Strength (Lower left hand corner) - Represents Stability and Physical Endurance
Fire (South): Will, Vitality, Passion, Lust, Courage, Strength, Exorcism, Protection, Health (Lower right hand corner) - Represents Courage and Daring
Water (West): Emotion, Intuition, Compassion, Sleep, Meditation, Purification, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Love, Friendships, Fidelity (Upper right hand corner) - Represents Emotions and Intuition.
The Circle (Around the Star) - Represents the God-Goddess it refracts and reflects all Light, bringing to the wearer Intelligence, Universal Wisdom, and Protection.
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